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By Sonible

Sonible Special EQ Bundle

Sonible Special EQ Bundle

Regular price $199.00
Regular price Sale price $199.00
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Three EQs that deliver great results and open new creative possibilities in post-production: The intelligent equalizer smart:EQ 3, proximityEQ+ with its frequency-selective dereverberation skills and the frequency-selective transient manipulator entropyEQ+.

smart:EQ 3

smart:EQ 3 analyzes your audio material and generates a custom filter curve to create a natural sounding tonal balance. Its intelligent features enhance detail and clarity of your tracks and make for transparent mixes


proximityEQ+ lets you move audio sources closer, add space to your mix and optimize recorded room acoustics in post-production. Frequency-selective dereverberation allows you to precisely separate direct from indirect components of the signal.


entropyEQ+ equips you with the tools to manipulate selected frequencies ranges in isolation from each other. It makes the editing process of impact noises easier and introduces you to a whole new world of post-production creativity.

Get yourself smart:EQ 3, proximityEQ+ and entropyEQ+ in a bundle.


  • Intelligent equalizer
  • Frequency-selective dereverberation and transient manipulation
  • Save 25%

Tech Specs


OS X OSX 10.12+

Memory: 4 GB

CPU: At least Intel DualCore i5

Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AU, AAX


Windows Windows 10 (64 bit)

Memory: 4 GB

CPU: At least Intel DualCore i5

Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AAX

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