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By Pulsar Audio

Pulsar Audio 8200 EQ

Pulsar Audio 8200 EQ

Regular price $129.00
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The paragon of EQs, reinvented.

The best companion for your passive EQ.

Pulsar 8200 is a faithful emulation of the legendary GML 8200 designed by George Massenburg, the inventor of the parametric EQ. Full EQ control is a formality today, but it was a dazzling novelty back in the days.

Just like the original machine, Pulsar 8200 gives you a tight and solid low end, a crystalline high end, and surgical control over the frequency spectrum. He perfectly replicates the all-discrete, Class-A analog electronics that made the original machine famous in the 80s, and still used today.

Its parallel topology, coupled with unique filtering shapes, allows an intuitive and unique spectrum shaping, resulting in smooth curves, and a more natural result compared to classic digital EQ, maintaining its own “analog personality”.



The best-of-both-worlds approach – old and modern

Pulsar 8200 comes with a complete on-screen curve editor and spectrum analyzer. This best-of-both-worlds approach gives an accurate overview of your EQ changes while highlighting the singular behaviors of the original unit. The easy-to-use graphic interface allows for a much faster workflow in mixing applications.

Get a polished result by removing sibilance and harshness as part of your EQ process thanks to the built-in de-esser. Tame aggressive vocal sibilance or control high-frequency transients in overheads with Frequency, Amount and Band Type controls.

Pulsar 8200 is a component-accurate model of the original unit, perfectly emulating its original unique filters shapes and parallel EQ behavior, producing natural-sounding corrections even for EQ moves that other units would struggle to keep up with.

Go further than the hardware with more Pulsar-added benefits. We’ve added high and low-cut filtering, a Tilt filter to adjust the overall tonal balance of the entire spectrum, and Air and Sub bands to operate at the extreme ends of the audio range.

Pulsar 8200 takes full advantage of modern CPUs to do more with less. Despite the tremendous amount of complexity in its audio algorithms, you’ll be able to use numerous instances. The resizable interface, coupled with the generous offering of modern features, will make Pulsar 8200 your go-to transparent EQ.



Precise & versatile, Pulsar 8200 is the superstar EQ of your master bus. It offers clinical precision when you want to open up the side and focus the center of your

mix. The tilt feature allows you to effortlessly adjust the tonal balance of your mix. You can easily create complex EQ curves that can take your mixes and masters from slightly corrected to noticeably polished.

Orchestral / Acoustic

Designed to enhance the natural and lively character of acoustic instruments, live recordings, organic percussion, and vocals. Its filter shapes and parallel topology make Pulsar 8200 ideal for fine-tuning acoustic pianos and carving out specific frequencies to reveal the instrument's full potential. With this EQ, you can easily maintain the natural and ‘living’ feel of acoustic sources, ensuring that your mix sounds great every time.

Electronic Music

Whether you’re fighting the war for loudness or just pushing the frontiers of what bass can do, shaping low-end frequencies in a kick-drum or a bass track is essential, especially in electronic music or modern pop. Pulsar 8200 is a game-changer in this endeavor thanks to its unparalleled sonic accuracy. You can even make subsonic corrections (15Hz) to achieve a cleaner and more powerful low end.

Vocals & Guitars

Make vocals shine by removing the sibilants between 6 and 8 kHz thanks to the onboard de-esser. This feature can also be used to gently compress the harmonic content of an electric guitar track that is overly aggressive in the 2k to 4kHz range, preserving the energy of the highs while eliminating any bothersome frequencies.

Product Features

  • Visual curve editing
  • De-esser
  • Mid-Side processing
  • Auto-gain
  • Tilt filter
  • Sub & Air band
  • Metering & Spectrum analyser
  • Gain scale

System Requirements

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