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By Fabfilter

FabFilter Micro

FabFilter Micro

Regular price $29.00
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FabFilter Micro

FabFilter Micro's single filter is smooth and creamy, yet easily turns into raw saturation and self-oscillation when tweaked using the interactive filter display. It features low-pass and high-pass shapes and an envelope follower to modulate the cut-off frequency.

With the individual Input Gain and Output Gain parameters, you can fully control the saturation of the internal filter, making FabFilter Micro not only ideally suited for basic filtering tasks, but also capable of beautiful distortion and analog saturation effects.

Of course, you also get all the usual FabFilter goodies: perfectly tuned knobs, MIDI Learn, Smart Parameter Interpolation for smooth parameter transitions, extensive help with interactive help hints, AltiVec and SSE optimization, and much more!

... need more options?

Need more creative filtering features? Try FabFilter Volcano 3! With all the XLFOs, envelope generators, envelope followers and MIDI sources you will ever need, Volcano 3 offers endless modulation possibilities. Setting up new modulation connections is easy with the drag-and-drop modulation matrix.

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